Ah - thanks. I had a poke around in django/core/meta/__init__.py, but
managed to miss the definition of quote_only_if_word. Your reply was
just enough to point me in the right direction.
I've put together a patch that uses smart quoting for the tables
clause. It's submitted as ticket #967.
>1) Is the quoting behaviour a feature or a bug? (I suspect feature, but
>I thought I'd check)
Yep, it is. The reason are different handlings of reserved words. Your
column names might conflict with stuff defined by the SQL database and
by quoting the names this conflict doesn't arise.
>2) Is th
Hi all,
When you use a "tables" kwarg in a database query method (get_list,
etc), you provide a list of strings which correspond to the database
names of the tables you want to have joined. You can then specify a
"where" clause to narrow the join.
When the provided table name is used in the gene
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