At PyCon Sydney this past weekend I did a talk about getting started
with Apache/mod_wsgi. For some of that I used Django as an example.

More importantly, the talk didn't cover how mod_wsgi worked but
configuring it. This included coverage of all the common errors that
come up when people do this, including Apache access controls, file
system permissions, Python module search path and source code
reloading. For each, what is seen in the browser and what is recorded
in the Apache error logs is given.

Anyway, since I know these same issues come up here on the Django user
list and #django all the time, thought it may be worthwhile pointing
out here the availability of the slides so that the core group of
people here on the list and irc who always seem to answer those
questions about mod_wsgi setup issues, can refer people to the slides
as a summary of the errors and the remedies. Hopefully this will save
a bit of your time of having to explain things each time.

The PDF of the slides can be download from the mod_wsgi site at:

The slides should hopefully be mostly self explanatory, but I will
endeavour to eventually write a proper commentary on the same topic
and put it in the actual mod_wsgi wiki. As usual, not sure when I will
get to that though. The video of the talk should hopefully be up
within a week as well though and if that comes across okay, then might
give me more time to get to that commentary. :-)



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