Thank you for your reply.
Finally I solved the problem. It was caused by a different versions of
Django running on Linux and XP.
The procedure how I found that was like this:
I checked the imported data in text editor, that had utf8 support.
Utf8 was OK.
Then on XP I inserted some data, via Dj
On 10/30/06, Pythoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here are MySQL settings, both on Linux and XP windows
> LINUX MySQL settings
> +--++
> | Variable_name| Value |
> +--+---
Here are MySQL settings, both on Linux and XP windows
LINUX MySQL settings
| Variable_name| Value |
| character_set_client | latin1
I used
mysqldump --default-character-set=utf8 mimi >/home/Result.sql
to export data to /home/Result.sql file on Linux machine.
Then I downloaded the file to my XP and here I used
mysql --default-character-set=utf8 mimi < Result.sql
to import data.
Is it correct?
How did you exported the data between linux and xp?
Have you checked that the db table in mysql is set to utf8?
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I use MySQL database with utf8 character set and utf8_czech_ci
It works well on Linux server( with mod_python) but when I try to
export the data and import into the same Django
application 9but running on XP machine with runserver 0,the utf8 is
gone.Instead of a proper coding there ar
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