I got it to find the /media/ directory by adding the media folder to
inetpub/wwwroot directory. I had that when I initially created my
wsgi dll with isapi-wsgi. I tried changing the root folder to my real
root folder, but it did not affect anything. It required the media
folder in inet pub. I'
I have verified that it is pulling the admin template from the site-
packages and not my new templates directory, for some reason. I
changed base_site.html and it only updates from the site-packages
base_site.html file, not the local templates directory.
On May 2, 3:20 pm, jmDesktop <[EMAIL PROT
I am using IIS 5.1, xp pro, isapi-wsgi.
I can get the admin page working. It has not CSS and is plain because
it cannot resolve the link to the stylesheet /media/css...
In my settings.py I have:
"C:/sw/django/mysite/templates", #I have the
3 matches
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