Hi there. I'm still reading this book. I have almost all the templates
done for the blog, but I'm stuck on tagging templates.

I noticed that with the link_detail view that the bit of code  {% if
object.tags.count %} was not evaluating to TRUE even though tags were
associated with the object. This resulted in

"This link doesn't have any tags."

appearing on every page for a link detail.  I thought maybe once I
finished the tagging templates I could resolve this, but I don't know
how to call up a URL for a tag so that it will give a list of links or
entries that tag associates.  IOW,  in my tag_list.html file I have
this bit of code:

{% block content %}
     {% for tag in object_list %}
          {{ tag.name }} <br />
     {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

This displays the full list of tag names, but I have no idea what
anchor to use on them to get the entries or links by tag.

Sorry if this sounds pretty dumb. But I have been using a few websites
to help me answer questions and problems that crop up, like Hedged
Down,  but none of those websites seem to have encountered this

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