I know I'm doing things the wrong way so the solution to this problem is to learn how to do it correctly if anyone can help please.

?: (urls.W005) URL namespace 'admin' isn't unique. You may not be able to reverse all URLs in this namespace

In my home page template I have ...

{% if channel %}
    {% include channel %}
{% endif %}

... where 'channel' is a short paragraph (one of six) aimed at six different kinds of customers for the site. They are plain html with no templating at all. The home page has a top menu of links one of which has six sub-menu links each one pointing to a different 'channel'.

This worked well at inserting the selected paragraph. But it also picked up random stuff and generated 404 errors. So I made the view only serve the nominated six paras. Unfortunately 'admin' generated a 404 as well.

The solution was to rearrange url_conf as follows ...

urlpatterns = [
    re_path(r"^admin/", adminurls),
    # need this "admin" to gazump <channel> ... is a bit fragile
    path("admin", adminurls),
    path("<channel>", company_views.channel, name="channel"),

Here is the view ...

def channel(request, channel):
    if channel in [
        templ = "home.html"
        cont = {
            "title": settings.BRAND,
            "privacy": "/privacy",
            "security": "/security",
            "licence": "/licence",
            "about": "/about",
            "contact": "/contact",
            "support": "/support",
            "manager": ismanager(request),
        cont["channel"] = f"{channel}.html"
        templ = "404.html"
        cont = {}
    return render(request=request, template_name=templ, context=cont)

Many thanks for advice



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