On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 18:51:41 +0200
"MOKRANI Rachid" <rachid.mokr...@ifpenergiesnouvelles.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> In my case I made modification for put the content of the comment field in 
> the body of the e-mail message (in place of subject), with no limit length. 
> And I change the size of the "comment" field for something more bigger.

I like both suggestions. I just removed the maxlength for the 'send link to' 
field entirely, and changed the comment to be a 'textarea' instead.

I will also put the comment inside the e-mail as you did, removing it from the 

I've also noted down to hide other tickets/grants in the normal pages, but 
instead add two 'All tickets/All grants' pages (only visible when being an 

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