Just noticed that I never replied to this:

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Scott Kitterman <skl...@kitterman.com>

> Since this is the WG list, I'm not sure if this is still the right list for
> issues with the base spec or not, but here goes ...
> The definition of "fo" in Section 5.2, General Record Format, allows both
> values of "0" and "1" to be specified.  It was suggested to me offlist
> that this
> might not be appropriate, so I thought it worth a discussion.
> Does anyone who's implemented "fo" have a problem with both "0" and "1"
> being
> specified?  If it is somehow problematic, then the base spec ought to say
> so.

How about this?

      1: Generate a DMARC failure report if any underlying
         authentication mechanism produced something other
         than an aligned "pass" result.
dmarc mailing list

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