Comments in-line.
On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 1:47 PM Douglas E. Foster <> wrote:
> >> 1. By 'sender', which actor in the sequence do you mean? The term is
> highly ambiguous.
> By Sender Authentication, I mean message "From Address" authentication.
> This involves tw
>On Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 1:12 PM EDT Scott Hollenbeck wrote:
>I recently had a chance to read through draft-ietf-dmarc-psd. If I
understand it correctly (and I'm not sure that I do), the document suggests
that it's possible for a TLD like ".com" >to be a PSD and a TXT record like
>> 1. By 'sender', which actor in the sequence do you mean? The term is
highly ambiguous.
By Sender Authentication, I mean message "From Address" authentication.
This involves two rules:
The sending IP address is known to be authorized to send for the SMTP
Sender-Address because of
I recently had a chance to read through draft-ietf-dmarc-psd. If I understand
it correctly (and I'm not sure that I do), the document suggests that it's
possible for a TLD like ".com" to be a PSD and a TXT record like ""
can be published in the com zone. I found this part of the draft
If people follow the spec there will be fewer loops, but it won't reduce
the number to zero.
Forgive me, but I believe there is currently no spec to follow. Yet. I took
this thread as raising the issue that there needs to be an effort that
specifies how to avoid dmarc report loops.
As I th
On 6/6/2019 10:08 AM, John R Levine wrote:
If people follow the spec there will be fewer loops, but it won't reduce
the number to zero.
Forgive me, but I believe there is currently no spec to follow. Yet. I
took this thread as raising the issue that there needs to be an effort
that specifie
Taking your note's plain language, you appear to be of the rather peculiar
view that specifying standards doesn't matter, since people won't follow
Looping is a classic problem. It has classic solutions. Getting the details
of one specified for this case is, of course, different from g
On 6/5/2019 10:06 PM, John Levine wrote:
In article <> you write:
The high-level point I'm trying to make is that control messages -- such
as DMARC reports -- need to be handled in a fashion that works
automatically and at scale. Since looping is