---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: IESG Secretary <>
Date: Thu, May 9, 2024 at 1:01 PM
Subject: WG Action: Formed Mail Maintenance (mailmaint)
To: IETF Announcement List <>
Cc: <>, <>, <>

A new IETF WG has been formed in the Applications and Real-Time Area. For
additional information, please contact the Area Directors or the WG Chair.

Mail Maintenance (mailmaint)
Current status: Proposed WG

  Kenneth Murchison <>

Assigned Area Director:
  Murray Kucherawy <>

Applications and Real-Time Area Directors:
  Murray Kucherawy <>
  Orie Steele <>

Mailing list:
  To subscribe:

Group page:


Internet Messaging (“email”) is one of the oldest applications still
supported by the IETF.  It consists of numerous layers and extensions that
support the robust construction, transport, retrieval, and interpretation of

(For the purposes of this charter, “email” starts in RFC 5321 which covers
transport and RFC 5322 which covers message format, and extends into
specifications based on those documents and their antecedents.  It also
includes related protocols such as IMAP [RFC 9051] and JMAP [RFC 8620, et

>From time to time, new work in the email space is brought to the IETF for
consideration and development.  Where there is enough critical mass to
a working group to develop and publish the work, this is the preferred
More often, however, a proposal is brought that lacks enough critical mass
independently support chartering of a working group, but would still be
useful to publish as a standard.  Such projects must then either seek the
assent of an Area Director willing to sponsor it as a standards track
document, or support via the Independent Stream Editor (ISE) without
standards track status.

The MAILMAINT (“Mail Maintenance”) working group will consider projects in
the email space that are too small to warrant construction of a dedicated
working group.  This will take advantage of a common community to consider
these proposals rather than forming a series of disparate but related

Work proposed for MAILMAINT may arrive via direct proposals, or it may be
referred via one or more DISPATCH-style working groups.  Recorded Calls for
Adoption are required for all work proposals.

Proponents of work that is not taken up within the IETF may, of course,
decide to bring their proposal to the Independent Stream.  The working group
should discuss such proposals with the ISE and share the results of the
working group’s consideration.

Further, MAILMAINT will observe the following constraints when considering
the adoption of new work directly:

* Prior to accepting any Standards Track document for development, there
be a commitment to implement the resulting proposed standard from at least
two independent parties, as recorded on a related IETF mailing list.

* When deciding to send any Standards Track work to the IESG, there must
first be produced a report documenting at least two (preferably more)
independent implementations with at least partial interoperation based on
developed specification.

* The above constraints do not apply to documents that are not intended for
the Standards Track.

* Chartering of a dedicated working group with a custom charter is strongly
preferred when engaging any work that updates any base email documents,
including but not limited to those identified above.

All work will be announced to appropriate non-WG lists such as ietf-822,
ietf-smtp, ietf-dkim, etc., at the time a Call For Adoption or Working Group
Last Call begins.

Standards work being taken up by MAILMAINT should be checked with other
relevant areas (mainly Security) to confirm appropriate oversight or
assignment to that area.

Milestones will be used to track all approved work, including during
chartering and rechartering.


  Jul 2024 - Call For Adoption of draft-dweekly-wrong-recipient
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