On Sunday, June 8, 2014 4:03 PM, Hector Santos <hsan...@isdg.net> wrote:

> Can we use a different tag for your proposal?

Hector, i'll give u one thing for sure: u do like to
make ur replies as detailed as possible.

i do respect that actually, cause it shows that u
give a damn, and that u r a perfectionist, both
traits that r actually somewhat of a requirement
in development of things such a standards.

but u may, especially if u r pressed with time,
make it as shirt as much u like, and hope my brain
is developed enough to fill all the blanks on its own.

and i'll do my best to surprise u.

that said, i understand all the technical burden
of possible incompatibility, which u were kind enough
to cover in ur reply. but i hope DMARC implementers
followed DMARCv1 specs and r making version checks
before they actually process aspf and adkim tags,
the way spec requires them to.

i do not want to lower my ambitions cause of fear of
bad DMARC implementation out there. bugs r to be
addressed by their developers.

so, the question, imo, is what is better:

1. to be as much compatible as possible with v1,
   essentially making as little disruption as possible,
   but risking to be ignored on long run, and

2. to be blunt and request a version replacement,
   hoping for overall approval, thus moving v1 to

imo, changing the way alignment works, ESSENTIALLY
changes the basic logic, based on a SINGLE domain

by extending it to cover whatever domain-owner wants
covering, alignment now becomes a TRUST logic, and,
imo, that is a sufficient reason to actually go
bluntly forward and make space for DMARCv2,
possibly as a 1st step for any future IETF WG to base
its work on.

yeah, i know this is ambitious. and may as well be
ignored as SPF2 was. but i hope we learned from
past mistakes, and instead i choose to be positivist
about it and hope ppl will find DMARCv2 an upgrade
in right direction.

beside those clearly political motives, imo, there
r technical ones:
1. adding "none" to alignment logic requires changes
   in aspf/adkim tags, and i think "none" is valued
   enough to warrant it for domain-owner too,
   not just 3rd party,
2. there's a need to treat ASL domains separately for
   SPF and DKIM, cause some domains may need something
   like "aspf=n:urdomain.com adkim=s:urdomain.com",
3. adding new tags is less optimized than using old tags,
   essentially cause it uses more characters, in a limited
   DNS record space.

all that being said, we can do both:

1. make a DMARC version 1.1, which would use
   aspfx and adkimx, and won't introduce "none" for
   domain-owner; merely to have a test online, and
   to see if there's something we miss in the concept space,
   but also as a fallback if v2 is completely dismissed
   by community,

2. make a DMARC version 2 draft, which would go my
   original proposal for aspf and adkim, and which
   we would advertise as a more optimized, stable
   solution, working towards inclusion of a more complex
   and scalable 3rd party support [i'm considering TPA-Label],
   in addition to ASL, thus adding more weight to
   the proposed version upgrade.

be free to reply as detailed as u like. i'm happy we r
moving on this, anyhow.

Vlatko Salaj aka goodone

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