With the chair's indulgence, I'd like to share a reminder with this list
about an upcoming. related event. Follow-ups may be more appropriate on
the arc-discuss list. See
http://lists.dmarc.org/mailman/listinfo/arc-discuss for details of that
list; see http://arc-spec.org for more information on ARC.

The interoperability testing event mentioned when the Authenticated
Received Chain (ARC) was announced back in October has been scheduled
for Friday, February 19th, 2016 in San Francisco - which is the same
week as the M3AAWG meeting there. We've got a line on some lovely nearby
office space we can borrow for Friday and potentially Saturday, if we
needed a second day for any reason.

This is a request for anybody implementing ARC to express interest in
participating in the interoperability testing event. You can think of
this as a "bake off" where you send/receive messages with other
participants to see that various ARC implementations are working
correctly, and working with each other. We may develop a series of cases
to test before or during the event. We expect to be able to accommodate
virtual participation as well as in-person.

You can reply to me privately if you don't wish to advertise your
participation publicly. Feel free to share this message with people not
on this list whom you think might be interested in participating (if
they are involved in implementing ARC).

What do I mean by implementing ARC?

- Writing code (library, milter, MTA) that implements ARC functionality
  (signing, verifying, etc)
- Building a free/commercial product that includes ARC functionality,
  whether you wrote the ARC code or not
- Deploying ARC functionality in an intermediary (e.g. MLM) or receiver
  (e.g. mailbox provider)

Feel free to ask any questions you may have about this event here or on
the arc-discuss list, or again feel free to contact me directly if you'd

Thanks for your interest,

dmarc mailing list

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