And now you know why i did not want to be the one to explain TPM, because i
often make little mistakes, such as typo. Or, for example, quoting only
half of a sentence as Jaromil points out.
Or assuming that, like myself, the readers of this list have spent a
life-time studying operating systems' d
I didn't want to go down this thread, but i feel compelled to respond to
the non-sense and hysteria surrounding TPM. As i said before, they are
stuffing your open mind with rubbage.
TPM is not part of Ethernet.
Perhaps it's been mistaken for IPMI / BMC ( which btw does have known holes
["so if you
Not wanting to be a TPM promoter or mailing-list-linguist, but i see even
more problems with the writings on TPM here:
I see rhetorical questions used fold uninformed opinations into an
invagination of ignorance on this mailing list.
( ie: "What can it do in the right? Nothing...")
Also, I see an
OK, at first i was a bit concerned that i would be off topic in the
Packaging system thread, but i have read so much misinformed
fear-mongering, that i decide to clear this up with it's own thread.
First, let me be the first to say i am not the person to explain TPM
technology or crypto primitives
>Yep, also Poettering is a big fan and supporter of TPM, and stated on a
>recent podcast (that was linked in this list I think) something along the
>lines of "Once we all run systemd, TPM will finally work properly." TPM of
>course is the continuation of the Clipper Chip, but dolled up to get the