I got a bit of a surprise today when I discovered that it is not possible to run more that one dhcp6 server on a single host. This appears to be true whether it is an ISC-dhcpd6 server and dnsmasq or two dnsmasq servers. They each want exclusive use of UDP6 port 547.

With IPv4, you could run multiple dhcpd servers with each on dealing with a specific network and this is useful in qemu/kvm/libvirt implementation of virtualization where a dnsmasq is started for each virtual network.

I assume there is some reason for this situation and that it has something to do with how IPv6 protocol is defined.

OK, it is what is. Is there some practical way to "tell" dnsmasq an association for a hostname and an IPv6 address? I cannot see something like that used to update an authoritative name server but it would be useful to have some kind of an update capability with dnsmasq.



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