On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 01:43:24PM +0000, Rahul Jain wrote:
> I want to know about all the changes(internally as in files etc) 
> when "service dnsmasq start" is executed. I noticed one change that

This question should be directed to your distro.  Whilst Simon might 
have some involvement with implementing the init scripts on certain 
distros, it cannot be answered without knowing what distro (and the 
version thereof) you are using.

> it edits the /etc/resolv.conf. The reason is when I set the add-mac 
> option in /etc/dnsmasq.conf and start the dnsmasq service, I'm able 
> to get the EDNS0 option in a dns query but when I compiled from the 
> source and ran it, the same thing doesn't happen.

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