We recently migrated from isc-dhcp-server running on Ubuntu Server 10.04 to dnsmasq running on Ubuntu Server 16.04. We have a dhcp-range defined that is static - all clients on that subnet are defined in a dhcp-hostsfile. We have a second dhcp-range defined that is dynamic (for "visitor" devices). With our old server, when we were adding a new client (either Windows or Ubuntu) we would let it grab a dynamic address on the first boot, then get the MAC address and add it to the dhcp-hostsfile, restart dhcp and reboot or otherwise renew the ip address on the client. With the new server we have learned that the client will still request and be granted the dynamic address, even if dnsmasq was stopped and the lease deleted. Is there a setting for dnsmasq that will force it to give a static address when one is defined for the client (based on MAC and/or computer name), even if a dynamic address is requested?
Michael Crider, IT Supervisor
Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative
West Plains MO

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