
I have just a quick information from DNSSEC movement in .cz. Next
Tuesday we will start our first KSK rollover for .cz domain. We decided
to chose stronger algorithm RSASHA512 and to switch from NSEC to NSEC3.
That means we have to follow procedure for algorithm rollover as
described in
This involves four changes in standard signing procedure. On Tuesday,
August 3, we will implement first two changes. In the morning we will
insert new signatures for all RRSET created using new RSASHA512 keys
without publishing new keys. In the evening, after all TTLs when new
RRSIGs will be in all resolvers we will also include new keys into

Then we will send request for exchange of keys in root zone to IANA. In
the same time, as our way to promote DNSSEC validation using root zone,
we will also  remove all our keys from ITAR and DLV. We communicated
this intensively in past several weeks together with promotion of root
zone signing, so we don't expect problems from resolvers operators.

We will do last two changes in our rollover process on August 24, to
give IANA time to implement changes in root zone. Again, in the morning
we will start with removing old keys from zonefile and in the evening we
will remove also old signatures and resign zone using NSEC3. We have
chosen NSEC3 without OptOut for two reasons. Right now we have more than
100 000 signed domains out of almost 700 000, and we expect it to grow,
so the difference in the size is not an issue. Second, we think it's not
a good idea to lower security level even for not-secured domains which
would happen with OptOut.


Jaromir Talir
technicky reditel / Chief Technical Officer
CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.  --    .cz domain registry
Americka 23, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
mailto:jaromir.ta...@nic.cz  http://nic.cz/
sip:jaromir.ta...@nic.cz tel:+420.222745107
mob:+420.739632712       fax:+420.222745112

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