Is this draft still alive? It’s active, but don’t see much discussion, so I’d thought I would present some comments. Some may be my misunderstanding of the intent, in which case I would argue the text isn’t clear enough for dummies like me :)

Section 5, last sentence
"...the mechanisms may have to update the time over an unsecure DNSSEC resolution." change to " insecure DNS resolution."?

"SHOULD NOT start validating" - meaning not using that particular TA that did not verified, or not do any validation? Could be ambiguous as it is stated now.

Sec 6.2
"Such inspection aims at detecting an non successful..." change to "...detecting a non-successful..."

"A DNSSEC validator MUST be able to flush the cached RRsets that rely on a given Trust Anchor." Inserted "given" just to clarify.

Section 7.1
"teh" is used a lot instead of "the". Plus "validte"/validate. The whole doc could use a copy edit pass.

The requirement says that the "ZSK/KSK database MUST NOT be resilient to DNSSEC validator reboot", but the paragraph that follows says that the "ZSK/KSK Data Store is expected to be resilient to reboot." Are these parts discussing the same thing? If so, that sounds contradictory.

"A DNSSEC validator MUST be able to flush the cached RRsets associated with a given KSK/ZSK." Inserted "given", just to clarify.

Section 8, last paragraph
If the child zone is considered bogus, shouldn't the child zone KSK become a negative trust anchor instead of a trust anchor KSK? The validator has no way to insure that he child KSK is valid (unless seen before). If it was previously validated and put in the KSK/ZSK database I can see adding it to the Trust Anchor store (maybe), but otherwise, it should become a negative trust anchor.

Wouldn't just any query accomplish that? RFC6975 says that servers must not strip RRSIGs from responses based on what the client advertises. It is only used as a signaling mechanism for when to complete an algorithm rollover.

Let me know if I need to clarify any of the above. I could also do a more intense copy edit if you would like, but I’m not an expert on that.


Scott Rose
GV: +1-571-249-3671
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