I think this draft is a good idea and should be adopted, but needs some 
improvements first.

1. In Section 4: "unsecure" should be "insecure".

2. REQ2: What should happen when there are multiple trust anchors, but only one 
failed to validate? E.g. a validator has both the root and .exampleTLD in its 
trust store, but missed the root rollover. The .exampleTLD key still validates, 
but the root doesn't. Should all validation stop? Or set a warning, but 
continue to validating (succeeding only for .exampleTLD)?

3. REQ18: I don't think I understand this. Wouldn't the best way to see which 
algorithm(s) are in use for a given zone would be just to send a query? 
Authoritative zones really may not "know" any algorithm besides SHA-1, as it is 
likely not doing online signing, but serving whatever a signing utility chose.

4. Should there be a mention as to which algorithms a validator should support? 
It may not require a direct reference to whichever RFC is current, but simply 
listing the IANA maintained registry and say "implement all the MUSTs and 
probably the SHOULDs too". Something like the following:

Algorithm Usage in Validators

DNSSEC signatures can be generated by different digital signatures algorithms. 
The current list of algorithms defined for use with DNSSEC is published in an 
IANA maintained registry [insert IANA link here]. Validators have to be able to 
understand and validate different algorithms that may be in common use with 
DNSSEC. The DNSSEC digital signature registry table is regularly updated with 
guidance as to which algorithms are considered MANDATORY and/or RECOMMENDED. In 
order to be effective, a validator MUST understand all digital signature 
algorithms marked as MANDATORY and SHOULD understand all digital signature 
algorithms marked as RECOMMENDED.

REQXX: Validators MUST implement all MANDATORY digital signature algorithms and 
SHOULD implement all RECOMMENDED digital signature algorithms.

Note: This wording isn't the best, and needs some work. I also don't know if 
the SHOULD in the REQ should be changed to a MAY, but I would prefer SHOULD.

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