In response to several requests, this morning I built a custom version
of DocBook: TDG for Simplified DocBook. At the moment, only the element
reference is really available, but you can see the results at:

Comments, etc., most welcome.

Also updated: I added (fairly crude) PDFs of TDG proper and Jirka
Kosek's compiled HTML Help version at:

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | The main difference between living | people and fictitious characters
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is that the writer takes great
                                   | pains to give the characters
                                   | coherence and inner unity, whereas
                                   | living people may go to extremes
                                   | of incoherence because their
                                   | physical existence holds them
                                   | together.--Hugo Von Hofmannsthal

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