The DocBook Technical Committee is pleased to announce the release of
DocBook V4.2 Release Candidate 1 in XML[1] and SGML[2].

DocBook V4.2 incorporates numerous enhancements over DocBook V4.1 and
DocBook XML V4.1.2. These changes are documented in the DocBook
Document Type[3] specification.

Development of DocBook V4.2 is "finished". The purpose of the
Candidate Release phase is to encourage widespread testing of the
latest DocBook release. If no problems are reported in the next 30
days, the DocBook Technical Committee plans to advance DocBook V4.2 to
Committee Specification status.

Please give DocBook V4.2 a try in your favorite tools and report any
problems that you encounter to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailing list.

                                        Be seeing you,


Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | There is no excellent beauty that | hath not some strangeness in the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | proportion.--Sir Francis Bacon

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