This morning I released version 2.1b1 of the Slides doctype. This
release is a fairly significant retooling of the stylesheets (the
doctype is unchanged).

The parameters are now more sensible and documented:

In addition, the JavaScript should be considerably more portable. I've
tested all of the features in Mozilla RC3 on Linux and IE6 on Windows.
With the exception of hide/show ToC which is broken in Mozilla because
of a Mozilla bug, all the features work in both browsers.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | This mortal life is a little | thing, lived in a little corner of
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | the earth; and little, too, is the
                                   | longest fame to come--dependent as
                                   | it is on a succession of
                                   | fast-perishing little men who have
                                   | no knowledge even of their own
                                   | selves, much less of one dead and
                                   | gone.--Marcus Aurelius

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