Many, perhaps most, of the recent messages to the docbook list have
been about formatting, presentation, or other processing issues. I'd
like to remind everyone that that is the purpose of the docbook-apps

Please use the docbook list for general (semantic) questions about

                                        Be seeing you,

P.S. I know that it's not always easy to tell which questions are
which, especially if you're new to XML or DocBook. There's no penalty
for posting to the "wrong" place, so don't worry about it if you're
not sure. But if you think it's about the stylesheets or some other
aspect of processing with a specific tool, please use the -apps list.

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | A new scientific truth does not | triumph by convincing its
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | opponents and making them see the
                                   | light, but rather because its
                                   | opponents eventually die, and a
                                   | new generation grows up that is
                                   | familiar with it (Planck 1949)

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