Thank you all for your positive feedback!

It is the best motivation for me. I am quite busy with other activities, but 
I'll try to move this further later next month.
Some answers:

> I notice you're using <simplesect>. Have you tried your XSL with <section> 
> structuring?

Sure, the section element is the first class citizen.

> I'm especially interested to see if this could be adapted 
> to provide features (search, side navigation, etc) to 
> other tools that can only output HTML out of box.

Not sure what is meant by other tools. To enable this functionality (using 
provided scripts) your HTML structure should match the original one (mine). Do 
those tools support generating outputs in a customized structure?

> I'm curious on how you achieved not embedding ToC on every page.

Indeed, there is no XInclude analogy in HTML :-(

On top of that, you cannot access/manipulate local files via JavaScript (i.e. 
read HTML snippet in one file and put it into a dedicated DIV in your file).

However, if your content is static and structured, it can be provided in the 
form of JavaScript object (JSON) and thus linked (e.g. in the HTML header) like 
other JavaScript files. Once loaded, that object is accessible like any other 
global variable. In my customization the nested object structure is 
iterated/converted into HTML's <ul><li> elements with proper CSS classes. The 
JSON is same for all pages. The current menu item is highlighted dynamically 
via script.

In one huge document (2000 PDF pages) the embedded ToC itself represented ca 2 
MB! In every page. The rest of file size was between 10-600 kB, the total 
package size was ca 150 MB. Loading pages was so sloow.

While the browser has to load the similar size now (just split into two parts), 
it is much faster as that separate ToC (JSON) can be cached and reused for 
other pages.


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