I read Bob's chapter on indexes, particularly the bottom of page 321 (Fourth 
Ed). There is an XEP extension to mark the page numbers in bold for preferred 
indexterms. If I understand correctly, this doesn't work for Antenna House 
Formatter (my chosen processor) or FOP (at least it didn't for me).

So I customized the template that I think is responsible  for putting out the 
page numbers:

<xsl:template match="indexterm" mode="reference">
<!-- begin customization -->
        <xsl:when test="@significance='preferred'">
          <fo:basic-link internal-destination="{$id}"
             <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="{$id}"/>
          <fo:basic-link internal-destination="{$id}"
            <fo:page-number-citation ref-id="{$id}"/>
      <!-- end customization -->

What I have does the expected thing using fop or ahf, and is apparently ignored 
by xep. With all three processors, I get bold page numbers for preferred 

What I'm not sure about is whether this is the only template that needs 
changing. It works for all the indexterms in my test book.

Bob, I can send you a file if you'd like to include it in the distribution at 
some point. It is a small change that adds functionality.

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