Bob Stayton wrote:

> This is a known problem in the DocBook table processing templates.  CALS
> tables are processed by recursing on rows in order to calculate row spans,
> which can start at any point in a table.  In Saxon, the recursion depth
> seems to be about 600, so your table goes beyond that.  Norm Walsh and I
> have studied this problem, and neither of us can come up with a way to
> support row spans without using recursion.  The problem is marked as
> unfixable in the DocBook bugs database.

Things are getting better with Java 6.

It was possible in earlier Java versions to increase stack size by using
-Xss switch. However this setting affected only newly created threads,
not the primary main thread of program -- and Saxon of course runs only
in this main thread.

But in Java 6 this setting has effect also on primary thread of
application. So just use Java 6 and increase stack size:

java -Xss512K ...

This way even longer tables could be processed.



  Jirka Kosek      e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO/JTC1/SC34 member
 Want to speak at XML Prague 2007 =>

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