/ Kraa de Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Which looks ok but has missing indexterms. I have numerous other symbols
| between 00250 and 11000 that are in the XML file but not in the HTML output.
| Any of you know what could be wrong?

No, and without a test document that demonstrates the problem, I can't
even begin to speculate. Please construct the smallest document you
can that demonstrates the problem and send it along. (Or better yet,
file a bug report at SourceForge and attach the document to that.)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Nothing is more depressing than
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | consolations based on the
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | necessity of evil, the uselessness
                                   | of remedies, the inevitability of
                                   | fate, the order of Providence, or
                                   | the misery of the human condition.
                                   | It is ridiculous to try to
                                   | alleviate misfortune by observing
                                   | that we are born to be
                                   | miserable.--Montesquieu

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