David Cramer wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm getting the following strange error from the htmlhelp stylesheets
> using Saxon using v. 1.44 of the stylesheets. Xalan does get through it:
> Writing index.html for article
> Writing htmlhelp.hhp
> Writing toc.hhc
> Error on line 117 of
> file:/H:/Work/xmldocs/export/DocBookXSL/1.44/html/chunker.xsl:
>   Output character not available in this encoding (decimal 8482)
> Transformation failed: run-time errors were reported
> Error, could not complete transformation

You have TM character in your document. In order to process all HTML
Help files, you shouldn't have any numeric character references in your
HTML and project files. Default encoding used for output is ISO-8859-1
which doesn't contain TM character. You must use different encoding -- I
think that windows-1252 will be suitable. To do it, just pass another 3
parameters to stylesheet (or set them in customization layer):

saxon doc.xml .../htmlhelp.xsl "default.encoding=windows-1252"
"htmlhelp.encoding=windows-1252" "saxon.character.representation=native"

  Jirka Kosek                        

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