/ ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| update its configuration. So my question is: is there another tool in
| another language that manages this, with less dependancies?

I'm working on a java version, but it's not ready yet (it does some
odd things sometimes).

| Beside this, I've another question: I would like to make an index
| automatically from a predefined list of words, without adding by hand
| the <indexterm> tags everywhere in the file. I know it's not hard to
| hack something to do this, but maybe a tool already exists, so...

I don't have a tool to do that, but if you write one, I encourage you
to make the terms so inserted with "role='automatic'" or something so
that you can strip them out or rebuild the list.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Reason's last step is the
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | recognition that there are an
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | infinite number of things which
                                   | are beyond it.--Pascal

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