I switched to windowsxp (poor me) from debian linux and now
i run into some problems with pdf generation. (I prefer tex to
make print outputs, so i installed TexLive7 which contains
passivetex. I also installed OpenJade1.3.)
I have tried both methods but i got different errors. (On
debian the toolchain worked fine, so i think i have some
config problems)

1. passivetex with xsl-1.58 error message:
! Emergency stop.
<inserted text>
l.489             <fo:block break-after="page"/>

2. OpenJade errors (iso-8859-2 encoded document):
duplicate SDATA entity text 150
c:\Program files\OpenJade-1.3\bin\openjade.exe:
bl1no.dsl:3:5:E: (invalid message)

Thank you for any hint:

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