
the wiki was only partially reachable for a few days due to high load on the server, but we fixed that now. If there are other bugs, please le me - or better: webs...@global.libreoffice.org - know.


Tom Davies wrote on 2012-11-09 20:24:
Hi :)
I thought a few of you might like to know the wiki is back up and
running.  I think the main docs page was not affected anyway.  I'm not
sure if this was part of the planned maintenance.  Florian's answer
suggests it wasn't, in which case we face a few more days disruption in
a week or few.  I suspect it's just a language issue and that it was the
planned maintenance.

Anyway i am sure i have either missed the announcement or that there
will be one in a few days.  This message was just to let you know the
wiki really does work already.
Regards from
Tom :)

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