Gardner's syndrome is a familial disease consisting of gastrointestinal
polyposis and osteomas associated with a variety of benign soft tissue
tumors and other extraintestinal manifestations. We now know that FAP
and Gardner's syndrome are variable manifestations of a disease caused
by mutations of the APC gene. By considering Gardner's syndrome in
terms of a family unit rather than for a specific, affected individual,
the physician will be alerted to the increased risk for the development
of colorectal tumors as well as the possibility of extracolonic
manifestations. A detail review of the syndrome has been posted here:

Friday, December 5, 2008
Gardner's syndrome
Gardner's syndrome (GS), a variant of FAP, is distinguished by the presence of 
prominent extracolonic lesions, such as desmoid tumors, osteomas, and cysts.

    * In the member familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) family, when these 
tumors arise, the family has traditionally been said to have Gardner's syndrome 
instead of FAP, since all the members of the family have the same mutation in 
the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene.

In the early 1950s, Gardner described a kindred with intestinal characteristics 
of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), but also with a number of 
extra-colonic growths, including osteomas, epidermal cysts and fibromas.

The combination of these inherited colonic adenomatosis together with these 
extracolonic lesions has become known as Gardner's syndrome.

    * FAP is characterized by 100’s to 1000’s of colonic adenomatous polyps 
that most often emerge in the second and third decades of life.
    * The development of Colon cancer is inevitable if the colon is not removed.
    * The polyposis is also usually observed in the stomach, duodenum, and 
small bowel, although the cancer risk in these locations is far less than in 
the colon.
    * Shortly after discovery of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene, it 
became apparent that both FAP and Gardner’s syndrome arose from APC mutations.
    * It is inherited as autosomal dominant, with near complete penetration of 
the gastrointestinal phenotype but with variable penetrance of the 
extraintestinal manifestations of the disease.
    * Involvement of male and female is equal.
    * New mutations have been represented by 20 to 30% of newly diagnosed cases.
    * New cases may also arise from mosaic inheritance, which implies that a 
mutation occurred in parent's sperm or egg cells, but not in other cells of the 
body, so the parent did not have clinical disease.
    * The number of the colonic polyp depends to some degree on where the 
mutation occurs in the APC gene.
    * If the mutations occur in the center of the gene (often called the 
mutation cluster region), it give rise to dense polyposis, with 5000 or more 
colonic polyps when the disease is fully developed.
    * If mutations occur proximal or distal to this central gene location, 
colonic polyps average approximately 1000 with full expression.
    * Mutations in the extreme proximal or distal locations of the APC gene are 
associated with many fewer polyps (often less than 100). This clinical 
variation is referred to as attenuated FAP.
    * Extraintestinal growths do not correlate with polyp density but have some 
correlation with mutation location.

The common extraintestinal manifestations associated with Gardner’s syndrome 
have been described in approximately 20 percent of patients with FAP.

    * However, many more patients with FAP have these features if they undergo 
detailed physical and radiologic examinations.
    * Thus, the difference between FAP and GS is somewhat semantic and GS is 
usually considered a subset of FAP.
    * On the other hand, the term GS continues to be commonly applied, 
particularly in families that exhibit frequent and obvious extraintestinal 

Extraintestinal benign lesions —

Gardner's syndrome is associated with several benign extraintestinal growths 

    * Osteomas
    * Dental abnormalities
    * Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium
    * Cutaneous lesions
    * Desmoid tumors
    * Adrenal adenomas
    * Nasal angiofibromas


    * Osteomas were originally described in the skull and mandible but more 
recently have been shown to involve other areas; they may be the only 
extracolonic manifestations.
    * The bony tumors may be present for many years before the onset of 
intestinal symptoms they may appear denovo and continue to grow throughout the 
rest of life.
    * Osteomas are found in about 20 percent of families with FAP and are the 
first described extracolonic lesions of GS.
    * They are one to dozens in number and are of less than a millimeter to few 
centimeter in diameter.
    * Radiologic examination of the mandible is a simple and noninvasive means 
to screen for young carriers of the FAP gene, but it is crucial to distinguish 
nonspecific sclerotic lesions in the mandible from true osteomas.
    * Mandibular osteomas in FAP tend to be multiple, whereas nonspecific 
sclerotic bony lesions usually are single and located close to a diseased tooth.
    * Because osteomas have no malignant potential, they are removed only for 
symptomatic or cosmetic reasons.

Dental abnormalities

    * Dental abnormalities includ mandibular cysts, impacted teeth, and 
supernumerary teeths.
    * They also appear before the development of colonic polyposis.
    * Panoramic x-ray of jaw in FAP patients they are found in 90% of the cases 
but clinically their appearance is only 17% whereas 1 to 2 percent in general 
    * Again attention is needed only if there is a symptomatic or cosmetic 

Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium

    * Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigmented epithelium (CHRPE) has 
been reported in some families with FAP or Gardner's syndrome.
    * More than 90% of patients with Gardner's syndrome have pigmented ocular 
fundus lesions (vs. 5% of controls), which are likely to be multiple (63% have 
four or more lesions) and are bilateral in 87% of those affected.
    * The lesions are discrete, darkly pigmented, round, oval, or kidney 
shaped, ranging in size from 0.1 to 1.0 times the diameter of the disc.
    * Pigmented ocular fundus lesions are found in approximately half of the 
unaffected but at-risk first-degree relatives and have been identified in 
infants as young as 3 months old, suggesting that they are probably congenital.
    * The presence of multiple, bilateral lesions appears to be a reliable 
marker for gene carriage in FAP, and their absence predicts lack of carriage if 
carrier relatives show CHRPE.
    * These marker lesions are asymptomatic curiosities that need not be sought 
in patients with an established diagnosis of FAP.
    * Slit-lamp examination is usually required for detection.
    * CHRPE is not known to cause clinical problems. CHRPE is observed with 
mutations between codons 311 and 1444, although this varies somewhat depending 
on the study.
    * CHRPE perhaps reflects the most accurate genotype-phenotype correlation 
in FAP patients; these lesions occur in patients with APC gene mutations distal 
to exon 9 up through the proximal portion of exon 15.

Cutaneous lesions

Epidermal cysts:

    * The association of epidermoid (sebaceous) cysts with FAP has been termed 
Oldfield's syndrome.
    * As all other extraintestinal lesions they appear before puberty and also 
precedes polyposis.
    * These cysts vary from few millimeters to many centimeters in size.
    * They may appear any where on the surface of body but most frequently on 
the legs, face, scalp, and arms, in order of their occurrence.
    * They are removed surgically if needed for cosmetic reasons.


    * They appear on the cutaneous surfaces of the scalp, shoulders, arms, and 
    * They are few millimeter to few centimeter in size.


    * There is an increase in the incidence of these lesions in Gardner’s 
Syndrome in compared to the general population.

Desmoid tumors

    * A particularly serious complication of the adenoma-tous polyposis 
syndromes is the development of diffuse mesenteric fibromatosis, also called 
desmoid tumors
    * Desmoid tumors are usually benign fibromas that tend to infiltrate 
locally into adjacent tissue.
    * They are rare in the general population (5 to 6 per million per year) but 
in FAP affect from 5 to 25 percent of patients.
    * Studies have shown that the absolute risk of desmoids in patients with 
FAP is 2.56/1,000 person-years, with the comparative risk 852 times that of the 
general population.
    * Usually, however, desmoid tumors become manifest from 1 to 3 years 
following surgery for polyposis.
    * Desmoids can, however, occur in the absence of Gardner's syndrome.
    * The peak incidence of desmoid occurrence in GS is between 28 and 31 
years, although they may occur at any age.
    * Independent predictors of their occurrence include APC gene mutations 3' 
of codon 1444, a family history of desmoids, female gender, and the presence of 
    * Mutations between codons 1310 and 2011 are associated with a six-fold 
risk of desmoid tumors relative to the low-risk reference region (159 to 495).
    * Although the lesion appears occasionally to emulate fibrosarcoma, 
metastasis does not occur.
    * Local recurrence is the rule rather than the exception. The mass tends to 
develop in abdominal incisions, in the abdominal cavity (particularly the small 
bowel mesentery), and the retroperitoneum.
    * Intra-abdominal desmoids may grow to massive sizes, sometimes occupying 
much of the abdominal cavity and encasing viscera.
    * The condition may antedate the appearance of the polyposis by developing 
in an abdominal incision performed for another purpose (e.g., appendectomy).
    * They may infiltrate adjacent structures, extend along facial planes, 
attach to and erode bones, and engulf and compress blood vessels, nerves, 
ureters, small bowel, and other hollow organs of the abdomen.
    * Severe and sometimes fatal problems can arise especially if the 
mesenteric vessels or other hollow abdominal organs become obstructed.
    * Clark and Phillips and others confirmed that intraabdominal desmoids 
behave unpredictably but are an important source of mortality in those with FAP.
    * The authors also observed that signal intensity on magnetic resonance 
imaging reflects tumor cellularity, which may, in part, determine progression; 
this may aid in management of these individuals.
    * Surgery (including colectomy) also appears to be an independent risk 
factor for desmoid disease in FAP, particularly with mutations in certain 
regions of the APC gene.
    * Progression is often gradual and survival 10 years after the diagnosis is 
approximately 63 percent.
    * Histologically, there may be some differences between fibroblastic 
growths in GS and sporadic desmoids.
    * A distinctive fibroblastic growth, called Gardner associated fibroma, may 
be seen in young patients and appears to be the precursor lesion of desmoids in 
      o Desmoid tumors in GS are monoclonal growths, implying that they are 
true neoplasms.
      o Desmoids in FAP also arise from APC inactivation and subsequent 
accumulation of beta-catenin in cells.
      o In contrast, APC mutations are uncommon in sporadic desmoids.
      Adrenal adenomas
      o Adrenal adenomas in FAP harbor a somatic as well as germline APC 
mutation, indicating these tumors arise as part of FAP.
      o Most adrenal adenomas in Gardner’s Syndrome are found incidentally.
      o Their prevalence is 7 to 13 percent of patients with Gardner’s Syndrome 
whereas it is only 3 percent in the general population.
    * Malignancy of the adrenal is rare in FAP.

Nasal angiofibromas

    * They are described in some patients of Gardner’s Syndrome.

Extraintestinal malignant lesions
Patients with Gardener’s Syndrome have increased risk for the following 

    * Upper Gastrointestinal Tumors (3 to 5 percent)
    * Thyroid (2 percent)
    * Pancreatic (2 percent)
    * Gastric (0.6 percent)
    * Central nervous system (<1>
    * Hepatoblastoma (1.6 percent)
    * Small bowel distal to the duodenum
    * Possibly adrenal

Upper Gastrointestinal Tumors

    * Periampullary carcinoma is a well-recognized disease that is associated 
with Gardner's syndrome.
    * Twelve percent of patients in the St. Mark's Hospital series who survived 
for 5 years after colectomy developed carcinoma of the duodenum, ampulla of 
Vater, or pancreas.
    * Sugihara and associates reviewed the literature and identified 29 such 
patients, with a mean age of 45 years.
    * Eleven patients developed colorectal cancer, all of them having presented 
with symptoms before the periampullary malignancy.
    * Gastrointestinal polyps and cancer have been frequently reported with 
this syndrome. Invasive upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma was found in 4.5% 
of patients with FAP as recorded in ten polyposis registries.
    * Nederveen Cappel and associates calculated that the lifetime risk of 
developing duodenal cancer in FAP is 5%.
    * The most frequent sites for upper gastrointestinal tumors are duodenum, 
followed by pancreatic ampulla and then stomach. J
    * apanese studies reveal the incidence of gastric polyps to be as high as 
70% with Gardner's syndrome, whereas the incidence of duodenal polyps 
approaches 100%.
    * In Korea, where carcinoma of the stomach is the most common neoplasm, one 
survey identified 72 patients with FAP, three of whom (4.2%) were found to 
harbor gastric cancer.
    * This is a much higher risk than would be anticipated from the general 
population in that country.

Periodic upper gastrointestinal radiologic investigation (optimally with 
double-contrast technique), or preferably endoscopy at intervals in all 
patients found to have FAP is recommended in order to diagnose and treat 
lesions at an earlier stage, before invasive carcinoma supervenes.

    * This should be accomplished every 6 months to 4 years, depending on the 
polyp load.
    * Their kindred should also be studied for the same.

Thyroid cancer

    * Thyroid carcinoma has been reported to be associated with Gardner's 
    * Unique about this observation is that the proliferative abnormalities of 
the syndrome as listed earlier are of mesenchymal origin, whereas thyroid 
tumors are not; this suggests a broader potential for the genetic defect.
    * An association with thyroiditis has also been observed. Risk of thyroid 
cancer in Gardner’s syndrome is approximately 8 fold in comparison to normal 
population and occurs in about 12 percent on FAP patients.
    * Average age of presentation is 33, presents as nodular growth, ultrasound 
is needed for screening, in addition to palpation.
    * Histologically they are of papillary type and association of APC mutation 
in the 5’ end of exon 15 is documented.

Pancreatic cancer

    * The risk of pancreatic cancer that is adenocarcinoma of pancreas in 
patients of FAP is 4 times to that of general population.
    * It may present with any complication of ductal obstruction.


    * This malignancy is 800 times more common in boys under age of 5 years in 
FAP children. But the risk of development remains up to 15 years.
    * It has some association with mutation of APC at its 5’ end.

Miscellaneous Associations

Other conditions that are believed to represent manifestations of this syndrome 
include :

    * carcinoid of the small bowel,
    * adrenal cancer,
    * adrenal adenoma,
    * pheochromcytoma,
    * skin pigmentation, and
    * lymphoid polyposis.

There is, however, the possibility that the observations may merely be 

Posted by jitendraagrawal2000 at 5:16 PM

Dr. Jitendra Agrawal.

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