All patients with cholangiocarcinoma require individualized
management, the following general treatment recommendations can be
made, depending on whether disease is localized and potentially
resectable, or advanced and unresectable.Surgery provides the only
possibility for a cure. Distal cholangiocarcinomas have the highest
resectability rates while proximal (particularly perihilar) tumors
have the lowest. Treatment of the cholangiocarcinoma has been briefly

Monday, July 21, 2008
Treatment of Cholangiocarcinoma
Preoperative preparation
Jaundiced patients require vitamin K.
Resective procedures for cholangiocarcinomas are major procedures and, 
therefore, patients should have good functional status especially if they are 

Preoperative biliary decompression
In general, it is preferable to avoid stents, if possible. Many surgeons find 
the presence of any biliary stent a hindrance to determining the proximal tumor 
extent intraoperatively. On the other hand, cholestasis, liver dysfunction, and 
biliary cirrhosis develop rapidly with unrelieved obstruction. The extent of 
liver dysfunction is one of the main factors that increase postoperative 
morbidity and mortality following surgical resection.

    * The chance of postoperative liver failure may be lessened by preoperative 
decompression, especially decompression of the side to be retained.

    * Decompression has the dual purpose of allowing that side to recover 
function and actually to hypertrophy.
    * On the other hand, stents may introduce bacteria and cause cholangitis.

    * Selective percutaneous decompression is an accepted strategy in Japan and 
multiple stents are often inserted.

A reasonable strategy is to proceed to surgery in younger patients (age less 
than 70 years) without serious comorbidities who have been jaundiced for less 
than 4 weeks, whose serum bilirubin is less than 10 mg/dL and whose future 
remnant liver will be > 40% of total liver mass.

    * Also, such patients should not have had biliary instrumentation, which 
always contaminates the obstructed biliary tract.

    * For the remainder, we routinely decompress the side of the liver to be 
retained and wait until the serum bilirubin falls to 3 mg/dL.

Preoperative portal vein embolization —

    * Because the achievement of histologically negative resection margins is 
so critical to outcome, preoperative portal vein embolization (PVE) has been 
used in an attempt to increase the limits of safe resection.
    * The intent of PVE is to induce lobar hypertrophy in patients who have a 
predicted postoperative liver remnant volume of <25>
    * By allowing a larger resection volume to be carried out safely, PVE may 
permit a margin-negative resection in patients who otherwise would be 
considered unresectable because of concerns about insufficient postoperative 
residual liver volume.

Hilar cholangiocarcinoma

Criteria for resectability — The traditional guidelines for resectability of 
cholangiocarcinoma in the United States include :

    * Absence of retropancreatic and paraceliac nodal metastases or distant 
liver metastases

    * Absence of invasion of the portal vein or main hepatic artery (although 
some centers support en bloc resection with vascular reconstruction)

    * Absence of extrahepatic adjacent organ invasion

    * Absence of disseminated disease

The goals of surgical resection are to remove the tumour with negative 
resection margins and to perform a portal and coeliac node dissection.

    * In order to achieve this, hemihepatectomy with resection of the caudate 
lobe as well as the suprapancreatic extrahepatic bile duct and the portal and 
coeliac lymph nodes is required.
    * Resection of the caudate lobe is needed because, when the tumour is 
Bismuth 2 or greater, the orifices of the caudate ducts may be involved with 
    * Hemihepatectomy is required when the tumour involves the sectional ducts 
(Bismuth 3) on one side of the liver or the artery or portal vein to one side 
of the liver.
    * Theoretically, resection of a Bismuth 2 tumour could be accomplished by 
resection of bile ducts with the caudate lobe but, in practice, negative 
margins are much more likely to be accomplished by a hemihepatectomy with 
resection of the caudate lobe.
    * Therefore, surgical practice has evolved in the past 20 years to the 
point at which there is a consensus that virtually all hilar 
cholangiocarcinomas should be resected by hemihepatectomy and caudate resection.
    * Low-lying Bismuth 1 tumours, in which a negative upper margin can be 
obtained on the common hepatic duct, i.e. below the level of the orifices of 
the caudate ducts, may be resected without removing liver tissue, but these 
instances are uncommon.

Unfortunately, cholangiocarcinomas have a well-known propensity to spread 
microscopically for long distances along the bile duct.

    * A positive resection margin occurs in 20–40% of cases even when liver 
resection has been done.
    * The resection margin may be extended by dividing through the termination 
of the sectional ducts, but there is a limit to how far this can be carried.
    * Mobilizing the portal vein in the umbilical fissure aids this manoeuvre 
on the left as the bile ducts to the left lateral section pass behind this vein.
    * The operation can also be extended by taking the left medial section with 
the right liver (right trisectionectomy) or the right anterior section with the 
left liver (left trisectionectomy).

    * The operation may also be extended by vascular resections.

          o Involvement of the portal vein may require replacement of the 
anterior wall of this structure or circumferential resection with anastomosis 
of the main portal vein to the left portal vein or, less commonly, the right 
portal vein with or without an interposition graft.
    * It has been proposed to remove the anterior wall of the portal vein as a 
routine in order to obtain a higher rate of negative margins.
    * This recommendation lacks supporting randomized data and is not routinely 
    * Arterial reconstruction of the proper hepatic artery is less commonly 
    * Pancreatoduodenectomy is performed in up to 15% of cases in some series 
in order to obtain negative lower margins or to remove potentially malignant 
    * Reconstruction of the biliary tract is by a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy.
    * The Roux limb is made at least 60 cm in length to avoid reflux of 
intestinal contents into the biliary tree.

The important trends are as follows.

    * Portal vein embolization is becoming more common as a preoperative 
    * Some 15–50% of patients are found to be unresectable at surgery but, in 
recent years, the figure has been decreasing towards the lower limit of this 
    * More procedures include a major hepatic resection because the chance of 
achieving an R0 resection is substantially higher when a major resection is 
    * Mortality rates are falling.

Morbidity rates are still high, reflecting the magnitude of the procedure.
R0 resection is necessary for cure; almost no patients who have had R1 
resection survive 5 years without recurrence.
Even with R0 resection, the overall 5-year survival is only 20–35%.
Factors affecting survival include

    * R0 resection,
    * en bloc hepatectomy,
    * absence of tumour in lymph nodes,
    * tumour grade and tumour type with IG type (papillary) having better 
survival than other types.

The need to perform a vascular resection is associated with a poorer outcome in 
some series. The value of pancreatoduodenectomy is unclear at this time. Most 
patients requiring this addition to the procedure have had a relatively short 

Lower duct tumours
The rationale and extent of the procedure is the same as that used for 
pancreatic carcinoma.
Distal lesions are usually treated with pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple 

    * Often, the tissue of origin of the tumour, i.e. whether pancreatic, 
ampullary or bile duct in origin, is uncertain until after the specimen is 
examined pathologically and, even then, doubt can remain.
    * The main complication of this procedure is a fistula from the 
pancreatic–jejunal anastomosis, which occurs in 5–10% of patients.
    * Biliary fistulas occur in about 2% of patients.
    * Patients rarely die from these complications today because of 
improvements in diagnostic and interventional radiology, intensive care and 
treatment of infection.

Resection of part of the stomach is no longer required for lower duct 
cholangiocarcinoma, although there is little or no difference in short-term 
outcome or quality of life between the pyloruspreserving and standard types of 

    * Many patients require pancreatic enzyme replacement after this procedure, 
but few become diabetic.

Five-year overall survival in recent case series varies from 16% to 37%, and 
results have not improved in the last decade. Overall, the results of 
pancreatoduodenectomy for lower bile duct cancer are much the same as those for 
adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and unlike those for ampullary and duodenal 
cancers, which have a much better prognosis.

Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas
The principles of treatment are as for other malignant intrahepatic hepatic 

    * The tumour must be resected with a margin of normal tissue to obtain 
microscopically free resection margins (a 1-cm tumour-free resection margin is 
the goal), yet leave enough normally functioning liver tissue behind for the 
patient to have adequate liver function in the postoperative period.
    * The size of the resection may vary from a single segment or less to 
resection of three of the four hepatic sections.
    * The role of resection of extrahepatic lymph nodes is unclear, but it is 
being done with increasing frequency. Lymph node positivity is common in 
tumours over 4.5 cm in size, but rare in patients with smaller tumours, and 
lymphadenectomy might reasonably be limited to large tumours.

Four recent series of patients with MF intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma treated 
by surgical resection in 60, 35, 52 and 104 patients reported 5-year survival 
rates of 29%, 33%, 34%
and 10% respectively.
Multivariate analyses of prognostic risk factors identified -

    * symptomatic patient,
    * positive surgical margin,
    * multiple tumours,
    * vascular invasion,
    * lymph node metastases
    * high microvessel counts indicative of angiogenesis as predictors of poor 
    * Mucin (MUC)4 expression in carcinoma tissues is also associated with poor 
outcome in MF intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.

Fewer data are available for the less common IG and PI types of intrahepatic 

    * The IG type has the best prognosis.

Liver transplantation
Liver transplantation has been performed for intrahepatic and upper duct 
cholangiocarcinoma, but the results have been disappointing until recently.

    * In one series published in 1993,only 3 of 14 patients (21%) lived more 
than 28 months after the procedure.
    * Even in a more recent series, in which transplantation was performed in 
patients with cholangiocarcinoma in the setting of PSC, the 5-year survival was 
only 35%.
    * While these are not poor results for a visceral cancer, they must be 
evaluated with the knowledge that many patients with endstage chronic liver 
disease are dying while on a waiting list for liver transplantation, and the 
comparative survival rate in this group of patients would be expected to be 
about 90%.
    * However, two American centres have reported better results for hilar 

The Mayo Clinic group reported on 56 patients who entered a trial of liver 
transplantation for unresectable cholangiocarcinoma or cholangiocarcinoma in 
the setting of PSC.

    * The patients were staged by EUS and also by staging laparotomy.
    * All patients received neoadjuvant chemoradiation.
    * Approximately half the patients were transplanted, with a 5-year 
actuarial survival of 82% in transplanted patients.
    * The other group using a similar approach achieved a 5-year survival rate 
of 50%.

Adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy
One randomized controlled trial of adjuvant therapy using mitomycin C and 
5-fluorouracil vs. surgery alone enrolled 139 patients with cholangiocarcinoma 
at various levels. There was no survival benefit, although there was benefit in 
a group of patients with gallbladder cancer treated with the same regimen. 
External beam radiotherapy was associated with improved postoperative survival 
in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma in one non-randomized trial. However, 
patients in the control group were treated at an earlier time period or tended 
to be in poor general condition. In an earlier study in which groups of 
patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma were more comparable, external beam 
radiation did not result in
improved survival. Intraluminal brachytherapy does not extend survival and is 
associated with an increased incidence of complications.

Recurrence of cholangiocarcinoma is often local, suggesting that adjuvant 
chemotherapy and/or radiation would be beneficial but, currently, there is no 
evidence to support its use outside clinical trials.

The purpose of palliation is to relieve jaundice and pruritus and to extend 

    * Jaundice and pruritus are treated by stenting, usually by endoscopic or 
percutaneous means or, less commonly, by surgery.
    * Several randomized trials of surgical bypass vs. endoscopic intubation 
for lower duct tumours have been published.
    * The three earlier trials favoured endoscopic stenting.
    * Two of these trials were quite small and, in the third, the surgical 
procedures were performed by registrars; surgical complication rates were 
unusually high by current standards.
    * The reintervention rate was high in the stent group.
    * There was no difference in survival.
    * In a more recent trial of patients found to be unresectable by staging 
laparoscopy, surgical bypass was favoured over stenting with the surgical group 
achieving a longer survival.

The current surgical consensus is that a surgical bypass should be performed by 
an experienced HPB surgeon in younger patients without distant metastases or 
obvious peritoneal disease.

    * When unresectability is determined at laparotomy, a double bypass is 
performed to decompress the biliary tree and bypass the duodenum, which may 
become obstructed.
    * Surgical decompression of hilar tumours may also be accomplished by 
bypass to the segment 3 duct, the so-called Bismuth–Corlette procedure.
    * This provides decompression of the left liver.
    * It is usually only done when a patient is found to be unresectable at the 
time of exploration.

Decompression with stents may be achieved by endoscopic or percutaneous means, 
with the former favoured because it is less invasive.

    * Metal stents are generally used because of improved stent patency rates.
    * In the hilum, plastic stents also have the theoretical disadvantage that 
their solid walls may block smaller side-branches.
    * For lesions below the bifurcation, a single stent will decompress the 
entire liver.
    * Bilateral stents or forked stents have been used to decompress tumours 
obstructing the confluence.
    * However, it seems that a unilateral stent is often just as effective 
provided that it is placed selectively, based upon a preprocedure MRCP, on the 
side of the liver that will result in decompression of the most functional 
    * It is essential that the side of the liver not to be stented is not 
cannulated as that often results in cholangitis on that side, and this is 
associated with much poorer results.
    * Should inadvertent cannulation of the side of the liver occur on the side 
that was not intended to be decompressed, then it is best to employ bilateral 
stents in order to avoid cholangitis.

Intraluminal brachytherapy has not improved results and, as reported in the 
adjuvant setting, is associated with more complications.

Photodynamic therapy — Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves the injection of an 
intravenous porphyrin photosensitizer followed by the endoscopic application of 
light (of a specific wavelength) to the tumor bed. The interaction between 
light and the photoagent causes tumor cell death, presumably by the generation 
of oxygen free radicals.

    * Initial uncontrolled series suggested that in addition to facilitating 
biliary decompression in patients with locally advanced disease, that survival 
might be improved in patients who underwent PDT.
    * It is thought that the survival benefit is related to prolonged relief of 
obstruction rather than to any reduction in tumor mass.

    * PDT is now being studied preoperatively as a means of improving the 
likelihood of achieving a margin-negative resection. Unfortunately, treatment 
is not widely available.

Posted by jitendraagrawal2000 at 10:39 PM

Dr. Jitendra Agrawal, Kanpur, India.

Kirim email ke