Hi jr

On 05/06/10 23:32, jr wrote:
> hi Tim,
>> V0.44 on Debian Lenny, home page at http://pam-mount.sourceforge.net/
> went to have a look, they're on 1.36 now.

Now up to 2.3. The usual Debian tradeoff of living with yesterday's 
(hopefully better identified) bugs rather than today's (typically less 
discovered) bugs!

> I had not known about 'pam_mount', interesting - I'll have to re-read
> the doc's and perhaps 'have a play' with it, not sure though I'd need
> it; my own use of PAM has been limited to what needed doing to make
> VMserver2 happy.
> I assume you are satisfied that the contents of '/etc/pam.d/*' on the
> multiuser Linux box are ok?

Yes, @include common-pammount at end of login and gdm and sshd.

>> ... The only irritation is that when the server is rebooted,
>> Linux users must run the share mounting script. This is pretty rare
>> (only when there's a kernel update every few months). The shares do
>> remain mounted between logins, so the pain isn't great.
> or, conditionally, run 'mount.cifs' from '~/.bash_login' or
> '~/.profile' perhaps?
>> I can see, at one level, why pam_mount requires SSH password
>> authentication, because it requires the password to authenticate to the
>> Samba shares, but I would have thought it would be possible to get over
>> this in some way ...
> have you read this in the faq? ("Q. Why does pam_mount not work right
> with OpenSSH?")
> http://pam-mount.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=pam-mount/pam-mount;a=blob;hb=master;f=doc/faq.txt

No, I'd missed that one, but did have the relevant parameters correctly 
set in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. I'm pretty sure that if I preservered I 
could get SSH with password authentication working, but the real 
question is whether it can be made to work with certificates.

Incidentally, while setting this up, I "discovered" SSHFS - can't 
believe I'd been missing out on this little gem.



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