
> > On a related note, that FORTH tutorial/compiler is
> > 
> >     http://www.annexia.org/forth
> > 
> > It's in two parts, x86 assembler, and FORTH.  Both heavily annotated
> > with the tutorial.
> I'm afraid Forth passed me by!

Me too!  Me and my friends were exposed to it as kids on the
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter_Ace in shops but that foiled the

    10PRINT "HELLO";
    20GOTO 10

And then it also came along as a ROM for the BBC B from Acornsoft.  By
then I knew the rough idea, you define words to augment the existing
FORTH ones and the interpreter threads execution of them together, but
nothing more.

So coming across that above tutorial was interesting.  I now know the
equivalent to the above is

    : hello begin ." Hello " again ; hello

but the Jupter Ace has gone from the shops.

Given early BASICs had poor control flow, i.e. IF, GOTO, and GOSUB, I
can see with hindsight that FORTH was a lot better choice at the time
with all kinds of WHILE-loops, etc, like the endless BEGIN...AGAIN one
above.  And given most of those were words defined using FORTH you could
add your own.

It also has [ and ] which let you switch to immediate mode during
compilation, IOW the definition of a word could use the result of some
FORTH code run at compile time rather than run time, handy if you know
it's a compile-time constant.


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