Not sure why I did not do this earlier, I ran Smartmon test,  I can run the two minute test with no problems found, try running the extended test and it always aborts at the 10% mark and when I look at the results there are 8 pre fails in the results. So I am going to bite the bullets and spend my Christmas money on a new USB SSD drive.

Thanks you the help and advice


Tim H

On 07/01/2023 20:44, Tim wrote:

On 07/01/2023 12:23, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi Tim H,

I have an external USB drive
Is it spinning rust, which could be slow to spin up, perhaps more so if
all power comes from USB?

Old style spinney disk with single usb Lead connected to the (powered) docking station

[E] Can't find snapshots folder.
If it is on a removable drive, please plug it in.
Waiting 30 seconds.
What happens after it waits thirty seconds for the already-mounted

Is there anything in the kernel's ring buffer around that time?

     sudo -i dmesg -Hx

The backup failed again tonight, ran the above command which did not list anything relevant for the time that the backup ran (all UFW Block entries)

If I check my backup drive it says it is mounted and if I open the
drive (clicking the icon on the desktop) it will display the folders
and start the backup
So the back-up program starts without intervention.  Instead of clicking
on the icon, because who knows what that's doing, do something simpler

     ls /media/backup/.../snapshots

In the 30 seconds it gives you to "reconnect" the drive I ran the above command which gave the following

mit@NX1:~$ ls /media/backup/backintime/NX1/root/1/last_snapshot/
backup  config  fileinfo.bz2  info  takesnapshot.log.bz2

The backup then started.

I will have to leave the 30 second warning and do nothing to see what happens, but I think it just fails to run based on previous error I have seen when it has not run

Any suggestion
dmesg is your best next step, I'd have thought.

Will investigate

Do you need the drive mounted all the time?  Could a cron job mount the
drive a minute before the scheduled backup and unmount it when it's
bound to have finished?  The theory being the just-mounted drive will be
up and running and ready to respond, not sleeping to save power.

As it only does the backups I guess i Could try mounting prior to the backup running. But it does not seem to be a mounting issue more something linked to letting the rest of the OS know it is mounted.

Thanks for the input

Tim H

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