Hi there.

I am using dovecot in almost all the mail servers I configure, but I have
not noticed some problems till now, when I configured a server for a
japanese language based customer. Now I know, the problem is not about
this customer, but it seems to be a constant in all my servers (for some
reason we did not noticed that before).

The situation is like this.

When receving mail with extended (not only japanese) characters in the
subject, Outlook Express does not recognize them. Most of our users do not
use OE, but most of the japanese do. This is not all. When extended chars
are also in the body, they look well when the maqil still arrives, but if
forwarded to another account, or when mail is an answer to another,
extended characters are not well displayed. In some tests we have done, I
found more or less the same is happening when using squirrelmail. The
funny thing is that the problem dos not appear when using Evolution or
Outlook (the MS Office component). I move some pamrs in dovecot.conf and
get some results (before moving them, the problem extended to
attachements), but still remains as described.

Somebody has seen such a behaivour and solved it? I was thinking to change
dovecot for another agent, but will be happier using dovecot. Any

Thanks in advice.

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