On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 04:15:24 am stefan novak wrote:
> Does anybody know howto autoconfigure Mac Mail als ISP Provider.
> We have troubles with the default Settings of Mac Mail (POP3s with
> APOP) and want to change them via autodiscover.
I'm not sure if its the same "autodiscover", but if you're seeing HTTP get / 
put to autodiscover as a hostname, then its probably the microsoft mail 
autodiscover protocol.

That is document in MS-OXDISCO and MS-OXDSCLI specs, which you can download off 
MSDN. The first spec shows how to find what the query location is, and the 
shows the XML blobs you send / parse. See 
for an example.

So you can probably make your DNS and web server create the right XML blob for 
whatever configuration you'd like to give to the client (assuming that the 
client is something that knows how to do the microsoft autodiscover protocol). 


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