I'm also about to deploy such a setup for a "small" mail server.
I'll use mysql replication, but only one master server will be writable.
I've used virtual machines to test, and so far so good.
My plan is to use each server in separate datacenters from the same
provider and route the users by dns
Pi is usable to host an dovecot email server, but remember that SD Cards
are not hard drives and tend to fail more often unless you use industrial
grade ones ( do not ask how I know :) )
Or make backups on a regular basis.
For fecthing emails you should look at fetchmail, something like
play cheap solution.
But, I'm going to test on VMs dovecot on glusterfs with dovecot director if
I manage to get it working properly.
Might be a challenge, but who knows, it might work :)
Best regards,
2016-02-15 4:16 GMT-05:00 Daniel Tröder :
> On 02/13/2016 04:00 AM, Cedric
Looks like it's doable, so I'll continue to dig and experiment.
Best regards
2016-02-13 16:05 GMT-05:00 Robert Schetterer :
> Am 13.02.2016 um 04:00 schrieb Cedric Malitte:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use dovecot for a long time now, but only as a single isolated serv
I use dovecot for a long time now, but only as a single isolated server
each time.
I joined a company a few years back. We had trouble with compagnies hosting
our mail, supposedly full redundant and so on.
The company is small, but we have many dealers around the world, and it's