Re: [Dovecot] dovecot 1.2 and quota_rules from AD

2010-08-19 Thread Christian Lyra
rt 3268 to connect to AD. I used ldapsearch to reproduce the problem, and found that if I use port 389 the quotaMail shows up, but using port 3268 it didnt. I guess that there was a good reason to use port 3268 instead of 389, or not? Should I just change ports or try to fix AD (i mean, persuade the AD admin to fix it)? -- Christian Lyra PoP-PR/RNP

[Dovecot] dovecot 1.2 and quota_rules from AD

2010-08-09 Thread Christian Lyra
got quota, bu only this static one, and not per-user. What I´m doing wrong? Btw... with static configuration the maildirsize file is created, but without static configuration it´s not (well.. no quota_rule...). thanks in advance, -- Christian Lyra POP-PR - RNP

[Dovecot] dovecot + Active Directory + LDA

2010-04-04 Thread Christian Lyra
is special user be "read-only" ? thanks in advance [1] -- Christian Lyra