
I've set up a Postfix and Dovecot (only IMAP) combination using MySQL and
Postfixadmin on Fedora. Almost everything works correctly now. The only
thing bugging me right now is that I always have to change the access
privileges of the directories in /var/run/dovecot/ manually to 777 to make
it work. As you understand, I'm not particularly happy about this as it
doesn't feel secure at all. And I also have to do this every time I reboot
since Dovecot resets the old access priviliges (600).

As you see I've got a vmail user who belongs to the mail group. Almost all
directories under /var/run/dovecot belong to user root and group root. They
all have the permissions rw--------.

Below is some output from the log file dovecot.log:

Mar 01 03:31:17 auth: Fatal: net_connect_unix(auth-worker) in directory
/run/dovecot failed: Permission denied (euid=101(vmail) egid=12(mail)
missing +r perm: /run/dovecot/auth-worker, dir owned by 0:97 mode=0755)
Mar 01 03:31:17 master: Error: service(auth): command startup failed,
Mar 01 03:31:46 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts):
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=

What is wrong here and how can I correct it?

Thanks in advance!
/David R.

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