I created a client library to send emails for a webapp.


After connecting to the SMTP server with credential setup in CPANEL, and
then do NOT add Message-Id header, the DKIM signature 'h' record created by
dovecot/WHM is wrong, and a Message-ID (with a capital D) header is added,
invalidating the generated DKIM signature value.


This causes outlook, yahoo, gmail and other email recipients to add
'dkim:fail' to the message, and thus relegate it to junk or spam.


The work around is to add to the message a Message-Id with a  little 'd'
header.  Then the SMTP server processes the email with the correct generated
DKIM, correct DKIM 'h' record and does not add a Message-ID header.


My SMTP hosting providers that run the WHM/dovecot/CPANEL software are
refusing to raise this as a bug and have requested that I do it.




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