Hi all.
I'm trying to install Dovecot 1.1.rc13 on Cygwin.
I've read the related posts, and I realize that maybe there's no solution at 
present; since I'm having a different error, though, I'm posting it here.

Compilation succeeds. Starting dovecot from command line results in:

Warning: fd limit 256 is lower than what Dovecot can use under full load (more 
than 640). Either grow the limit or change login_max_processes_count and 
max_mail_processes settings
Warning: Last died with error (see error log for more information): Auth 
process died too early - shutting down

Trying to run just dovecot-auth outputs:

dovecot-auth: Fatal: MECHANISMS environment is unset

Now, if I try to set an environment variable called MECHANISMS (say, export 
MECHANISMS=plain) I get a different error:

dovecot-auth: Fatal: No passdbs specified in configuration file. PLAIN 
mechanism needs one

This is the output of dovecot -n:

# 1.1.rc13: /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf
Warning: fd limit 256 is lower than what Dovecot can use under full load (more 
than 640). Either grow the limit or change login_max_processes_count and 
max_mail_processes settings
log_path: /tmp/logs/dovecot-error.log
info_log_path: /tmp/logs/dovecot-other.log
ssl_disable: yes
ssl_cipher_list: ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2
disable_plaintext_auth: no
login_dir: /usr/local/var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable: /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_user: MyUser
login_greeting: Yo, mate.
login_process_per_connection: no
login_greeting_capability: yes
login_process_size: 0
mail_max_userip_connections: 20
verbose_proctitle: yes
mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir
mail_process_size: 0
auth default:
  verbose: yes
  debug: yes
  process_size: 0
    driver: passwd-file
    args: /etc/passwd
    driver: passwd-file
    args: /etc/passwd

Any clues or suggestions, anything I could try...? ^__^



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