
I've found a bug in the quota-status util (Dovecot 2.2.21, and probably below): 
it always return
OK (sufficient quota) because it fails to load the user properly. More 
specifically, the branch
" if (quser == NULL) return 1; " in src/plugins/quota/quota-status.c:59 is 
always taken.
(at least with postgresql backend, test your config with the (adapted) command 
printf "recipient=mail...@example.com\nsize=10000000000\n\n" | nc 
inet:mailstore.example.com 12340
it should reject, unless you have no quota, or more than 10G).

Therefore it is pointless to configure the quota-status service as described in 
because of that bug: the mail would be always accepted from the client and 
rejected at the end of the (Postfix)
processing by lda.

It is possible to reject directly at SMTP level when the mailbox is full using 
Postfix and main.cf:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = ... reject_unauth_destination, ... 
check_policy_service inet:mailstore.example.com:12340
smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service 

However there remain a *small inconsistency* as lda will count the size of 
message including headers whereas
smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions seems not to count them towards the message size 
(or additional headers
might be added by other preprocessing e.g. antispam etc...)

I propose the patch below to fix quota-status. Could an expert double-check 
that it doesn't have memory leaks?
(it shouldn't but I'm not yet comfortable enough with Dovecot memory 

Best regards,

Thierry C.

Attachment: quota-status.patch
Description: Binary data

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