hi list,

i'am doing a migration from cyrus ( 2.1.17 ) to dovecot ( 2.1.7).

for mailbox migration i'am using this script : http://cyrus2dovecot.sw.fu-berlin.de/

To migrate a mailbox :

/usr/local/sbin/cyrus2dovecot.pl -C /data/migration/spool/%h/user/%u -D /data/mail/foo.bar/%u...@foo.bar -U /data/migration/flags/%h/%u.sub -S /data/migration/flags/%h/%u.seen test


are rsynced with

rsync -av --delete ... .... ....

After mailbox end to migrate, i want to search all message savedbefore some days but this don't work

doveadm search -u t...@foo.bar mailbox inbox savedbefore 1d

i'm sure this mailbox have mail before this days.

ls into mailbox dir:

-rw-r--r-- 1 siadmin siadmin 21662 Mar 3 15:54 1393858496.R2cdf6e55Q2902.server.foo.bar,S=21662,W=22160:2,a

I don't understand why this message isn't printer by savedbefore 1d

what i'm doing wrong


Ronan Lanore

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