
Looks like something has been committed to master-2.2 in the last week which is causing crashes as soon as the remote user logs in:

Sep 17 01:11:19 thunderstorm.reub.net dovecot: dsync-server(reuben): Error: read(lightning.reub.net) failed: EOF (last sent=mailbox_state, last recv=mail (EOL)) Sep 17 01:11:31 thunderstorm.reub.net dovecot: imap(reuben): Panic: file fts-api.c: line 128 (fts_backend_set_cur_mailbox): assertion failed: (ctx->cur_box != NULL) Sep 17 01:11:31 thunderstorm.reub.net dovecot: imap(reuben): Error: Raw backtrace: /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xb7f9f) [0x7f4cd5b4cf9f] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xb9515) [0x7f4cd5b4e515] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(i_fatal+0) [0x7f4cd5b4d332] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib20_fts_plugin.so(+0x96b4) [0x7f4cd50b86b4] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib20_fts_plugin.so(fts_backend_update_deinit+0x45) [0x7f4cd50b872b] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib20_fts_plugin.so(+0x142ed) [0x7f4cd50c32ed] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot-storage.so.0(maildir_sync_index+0x98e) [0x7f4cd5e4eed7] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot-storage.so.0(+0x5f209) [0x7f4cd5e51209] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot-storage.so.0(+0x5f497) [0x7f4cd5e51497] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot-storage.so.0(maildir_storage_sync_init+0xb2) [0x7f4cd5e517de] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot-storage.so.0(mailbox_sync_init+0x6d) [0x7f4cd5e2cc41] -> dovecot/imap(imap_sync_init+0xc7) [0x42e408] -> dovecot/imap() [0x42f96b] -> dovecot/imap() [0x42febc] -> dovecot/imap(cmd_sync_delayed+0x34) [0x42fef2] -> dovecot/imap(client_handle_input+0x138) [0x41e9d1] -> dovecot/imap(client_input+0xf5) [0x41eb02] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(io_loop_call_io+0xcd) [0x7f4cd5b6b054] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(io_loop_handler_run_internal+0x209) [0x7f4cd5b6d5c1] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(io_loop_handler_run+0x24) [0x7f4cd5b6b1fd] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(io_loop_run+0xaf) [0x7f4cd5b6b149] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(master_service_run+0x2e) [0x7f4cd5aca603] -> dovecot/imap(main+0x300) [0x431169] -> /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf0) [0x7f4cd571c710] -> dovecot/imap(_start+0x29) [0x40c7b9] Sep 17 01:11:31 thunderstorm.reub.net dovecot: imap(reuben): Fatal: master: service(imap): child 1740 killed with signal 6 (core dumped)

thunderstorm reuben # file core
core: ELF 64-bit LSB core file x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), SVR4-style, from 'dovecot/imap postlogin', real uid: 0, effective uid: 0, real gid: 0, effective gid: 0, execfn: '/usr/libexec/dovecot/imap', platform: 'x86_64'
thunderstorm reuben # gdb /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap core
GNU gdb (Gentoo 7.11.1 vanilla) 7.11.1
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
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For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap...done.
[New LWP 1740]

warning: Could not load shared library symbols for linux-vdso.so.1.
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `dovecot/imap postlogin'.
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0  0x00007f4cd572f1f8 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00007f4cd572f1f8 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00007f4cd573064a in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#2 0x00007f4cd5b4cfee in default_fatal_finish (type=LOG_TYPE_PANIC, status=0) at failures.c:201 backtrace = 0x27446a0 "/usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xb7f9f) [0x7f4cd5b4cf9f] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(+0xb9515) [0x7f4cd5b4e515] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot.so.0(i_fatal+0) [0x7f4cd5b4d332] -> /usr"...
#3  0x00007f4cd5b4e515 in i_internal_fatal_handler (ctx=0x7fff509f3750,
format=0x7f4cd50cb000 "file %s: line %d (%s): assertion failed: (%s)", args=0x7fff509f3770) at failures.c:670
        status = 0
#4 0x00007f4cd5b4d332 in i_panic (format=0x7f4cd50cb000 "file %s: line %d (%s): assertion failed: (%s)")
    at failures.c:275
ctx = {type = LOG_TYPE_PANIC, exit_status = 0, timestamp = 0x0, timestamp_usecs = 0} args = <error reading variable args (Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.)> #5 0x00007f4cd50b86b4 in fts_backend_set_cur_mailbox (ctx=0x26f6e70) at fts-api.c:128
        __FUNCTION__ = "fts_backend_set_cur_mailbox"
#6 0x00007f4cd50b872b in fts_backend_update_deinit (_ctx=0x268b3b8) at fts-api.c:143
        ctx = 0x26f6e70
        backend = 0x26825e0
        ret = 32588
#7 0x00007f4cd50c32ed in fts_mailbox_sync_notify (box=0x268aaa0, uid=0, sync_type=(unknown: 0)) at fts-storage.c:665
        flist = 0x2683000
        fbox = 0x268b258
#8 0x00007f4cd5e4eed7 in maildir_sync_index (ctx=0x268eb40, partial=true) at maildir-sync-index.c:649
        mbox = 0x268aaa0
        view = 0x26f4f30
        view2 = 0x0
        iter = 0x0
        trans = 0x270ef20
        hdr = 0x268b8b0
empty_hdr = {major_version = 176 '\260', minor_version = 57 '9', base_header_size = 20639, header_size = 32767, record_size = 3588796538, compat_flags = 76 'L', unused = "\177\000", indexid = 1352612272, flags = 32512, uid_validity = 40955680, next_uid = 0, messages_count = 40849200, unused_old_recent_messages_count = 0, seen_messages_count = 40857728, deleted_messages_count = 0, first_recent_uid = 136, first_unseen_uid_lowwater = 0, first_deleted_uid_lowwater = 40428608, log_file_seq = 0, log_file_tail_offset = 1352612384, log_file_head_offset = 32767, unused_old_sync_size = 139967982787820, unused_old_sync_stamp = 40913568, day_stamp = 0, day_first_uid = {
            41174496, 0, 41174440, 0, 40413856, 0, 1352612384, 32767}}
        rec = 0x26d7188
        seq = 0
        seq2 = 0
        uid = 1043
        prev_uid = 1043
uflags = (MAILDIR_UIDLIST_REC_FLAG_MOVED | MAILDIR_UIDLIST_REC_FLAG_RECENT | MAILDIR_UIDLIST_REC_FLAG_NONSYNCED) filename = 0x2711a00 "1474037293.M664229P7078.thunderstorm,S=18760,W=19334:2,Sd"
        uid_validity = 1466133870
        next_uid = 3585376580
        hdr_next_uid = 1044
        first_recent_uid = 1044
        first_uid = 1
        changes = 1
        ret = 0
        time_before_sync = 1474038691
        expunged_guid_128 = "\247\332=\207\337[1\a\367\217\025\307\024|-Y"
        private_flags_mask = 0
        expunged = true
        full_rescan = false
        __FUNCTION__ = "maildir_sync_index"
#9 0x00007f4cd5e51209 in maildir_sync_context (ctx=0x27445a8, forced=false, find_uid=0x0, lost_files_r=0x7fff509f3afa)
    at maildir-sync.c:951
        new_changed = false
        cur_changed = false
        lock_failure = false
        fname = 0x268aaa0 ""
        why = (unknown: 0)
        ret = 1
        __FUNCTION__ = "maildir_sync_context"
#10 0x00007f4cd5e51497 in maildir_sync_run (mbox=0x268aaa0, flags=MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_EXPUNGE, force_resync=false,
    uid=0x0, lost_files_r=0x7fff509f3afa) at maildir-sync.c:1024
        _data_stack_cur_id = 5
        ctx = 0x27445a8
        retry = false
        lost_files = false
        ret = 0
#11 0x00007f4cd5e517de in maildir_storage_sync_init (box=0x268aaa0, flags=MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_EXPUNGE)
    at maildir-sync.c:1097
        mbox = 0x268aaa0
        lost_files = false
        force_resync = false
        ret = 0
        __FUNCTION__ = "maildir_storage_sync_init"
#12 0x00007f4cd5e2cc41 in mailbox_sync_init (box=0x268aaa0, flags=MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_EXPUNGE) at mail-storage.c:1728
        _data_stack_cur_id = 4
        ctx = 0x0
#13 0x000000000042e408 in imap_sync_init (client=0x2687680, box=0x268aaa0, imap_flags=IMAP_SYNC_FLAG_SAFE,
    flags=MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_EXPUNGE) at imap-sync.c:229
        ctx = 0x268b770
        __FUNCTION__ = "imap_sync_init"
#14 0x000000000042f96b in cmd_sync_client (sync_cmd=0x2688280) at imap-sync.c:737
        client = 0x2687680
        ctx = 0x2
        imap_flags = IMAP_SYNC_FLAG_SAFE
        no_newmail = false
#15 0x000000000042febc in cmd_sync_delayed_real (client=0x2687680) at imap-sync.c:858
        cmd = 0x2688280
        first_expunge = 0x2688280
        first_nonexpunge = 0x0
        __FUNCTION__ = "cmd_sync_delayed_real"
#16 0x000000000042fef2 in cmd_sync_delayed (client=0x2687680) at imap-sync.c:866
        _data_stack_cur_id = 3
        ret = 80
#17 0x000000000041e9d1 in client_handle_input (client=0x2687680) at imap-client.c:1118
        ret = false
        remove_io = false
        handled_commands = true
        __FUNCTION__ = "client_handle_input"
#18 0x000000000041eb02 in client_input (client=0x2687680) at imap-client.c:1149
        cmd = 0x7fff509f3cc0
        output = 0x26880a0
        bytes = 28
        __FUNCTION__ = "client_input"
#19 0x00007f4cd5b6b054 in io_loop_call_io (io=0x268ca30) at ioloop.c:564
        ioloop = 0x264f760
        t_id = 2
        __FUNCTION__ = "io_loop_call_io"
#20 0x00007f4cd5b6d5c1 in io_loop_handler_run_internal (ioloop=0x264f760) at ioloop-epoll.c:220
        ctx = 0x2651270
        events = 0x26520a0
        event = 0x26520a0
        list = 0x26881d0
        io = 0x268ca30
        tv = {tv_sec = 256, tv_usec = 707889}
        events_count = 5
        msecs = 256708
        ret = 1
        i = 0
        j = 0
        call = true
        __FUNCTION__ = "io_loop_handler_run_internal"
#21 0x00007f4cd5b6b1fd in io_loop_handler_run (ioloop=0x264f760) at ioloop.c:612
No locals.
#22 0x00007f4cd5b6b149 in io_loop_run (ioloop=0x264f760) at ioloop.c:588
        __FUNCTION__ = "io_loop_run"
#23 0x00007f4cd5aca603 in master_service_run (service=0x264f600, callback=0x430dd6 <client_connected>)
    at master-service.c:641
No locals.
#24 0x0000000000431169 in main (argc=2, argv=0x264f390) at main.c:460
set_roots = {0x43bbe0 <imap_setting_parser_info>, 0x646340 <lda_setting_parser_info>, 0x0} login_set = {auth_socket_path = 0x2647048 "\001", postlogin_socket_path = 0x2647078 "z`\005", postlogin_timeout_secs = 60, callback = 0x430af0 <login_client_connected>, failure_callback = 0x430d41 <login_client_failed>, request_auth_token = 1}
        username = 0x0
        auth_socket_path = 0x43cd85 "auth-master"
        c = -1


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