Hi - perhaps someone can help me.

Starting from a good and well-functioning mailserver setup, I have installed
MailCrypt as per the instructions (I think) to have the per-user passworded
keys setup.


mail_attribute_dict = file:%h/Maildir/dovecot-attributes
mail_plugins = $mail_plugins mail_crypt


/commented this/ #password_query = SELECT email as user, password FROM
virtual_users WHERE email='%u';
/Added this/ 
password_query = SELECT \
email as user, password, \
'%w' AS userdb_mail_crypt_private_password \
FROM virtual_users  WHERE email='%u';


/Updated this section/
plugin {
mail_crypt_curve = secp521r1
mail_crypt_save_version = 2
/Have also tried all configurations this option set
/#mail_crypt_require_encrypted_user_key = yes

/The user is in the mailserver SQL database:/

| user                 | password                                               
| userdb_mail_crypt_private_password |
| user@domain |
| %w

/I have reissued the keys as other problem resolutions have instructed to
do, and I can see the new keys are active./
doveadm -o plugin/mail_crypt_private_password=(same password as user@domain
when created in SQL) mailbox cryptokey generate -u user@domain -UR

/I have restarted dovecot and postfix each time./

/I then send an email either from the user@domain > user@domain OR
otheruser@otherdomain > user@domain from Outlook. Authentication is fine
(POP and SMTP). 
No errors appear in any logs - the logs show the mail as being received and
I can see the mail in the user@domain /cur folder. If I try to Postcat any
of these messages I get:/

postcat '1*********2.M**********3.(host),S=633,W=649:2,S'
*** ENVELOPE RECORDS 1*********2.M*********3.(host),S=633,W=649:2,S ***
message_size: YPTED
postcat: fatal: invalid size record: YPTED???

*/Within a minute or so I receive the email in the Outlook Inbox - except it
is completely empty of anything. 
There is no TO / FROM/ SUBJECT / Body or even Routing information. See
screencaps from Outlook/*


/This happens with existing user mailboxes and new test mailboxes I create.

If I deactivate Mailcrypt all mailboxes/user-accounts work fine.

Any ideas???

I would like to get the working - thanks in advance for your expertise and


Sent from: http://dovecot.2317879.n4.nabble.com/

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