I am trying to find out how Dovecot behaves when there are multiple quota roots.
I could not find something authoritative on this.
For example, on a nicely running server that used fs quota I now have in 90-quota.conf

plugin {
  quota = fs:Mail Quota:user:mount=/Mail
  quota2 = maildir:Mail User Quota

When I do
> doveadm quota get -u atrige01
Quota name Type Value Limit % Mail Quota STORAGE 80036 204800 39 Mail User Quota STORAGE 79306 - 0 Mail User Quota MESSAGE 304 - 0

Apparently both STORAGE quotas values are the same. The question is which of the two is being used by Dovecot. If I insert a limit on the maildir quota which of the two will be used?
I am using Dovecot 2.2.12.

thank you

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