
I'm fiddling with dsync and get these in the logs:

auth: Error: password(ps655@): Password data is not valid for scheme SSHA: Input isn't valid base64 encoded data
auth: Error: ldap(ns580@, ldap_search(base=ou=,ou=mail,dc=virtual,dc=hosting filter=(&(objectclass=person) ....

This is on a dovecot that I'd call second, to which I'd like to replicate, first dovecot which is already populated with users, etc. does not show these errors. and I also have seen complains about possixAccunt I think. Do these mean that there is a base minimum required from dovecot/dsync in order to deem/find a user as a valid user? Also I can tell that those users do belong to different domain (not even this RDN) than the one in which the second dovecot is trying to look. These fields/attributes are nowhere defined/mentioned in my configs thus I wonder.

many thanks

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