Hi everyone,

I'm developing an Eclipse plugin called APT Editor which, like its name
suggests, is an editor/viewer for APT files. Basically, it offers an "edit"
pane to update the contents of the document, and a "view" pane to preview
the formatted version of the document in HTML.

The project page is http://apteditor.sf.net

Some people asked me if it was possible to offer the possibility to use
Maven Doxia's parser/renderer instead of the original code from pixware.
Sounds like a good idea to me, however not being a Doxia developer (not even
a Maven user to be honest) I wouldn't know where to look.

I'd appreciate if someone could give me some pointers as to how I could
integrate Doxia with the APT Editor. To summarize, I'd need to know what
libraries to load and what methods to invoke to generate an HTML version of
a given APT file into a chosen directory.

Thanks for your help!

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